Kraig Lowell Pullam

My thoughts. My reflections. My journey…. On pastoring, preaching, leading & learning.

Archive for the category “Current Events”

2020 MidYear Review…

If you’ve never read any of my blogs since 2008 or so, I’d encourage you to atleast read the one before this one.  I would also encourage you to subscribe; as well as share this blog with someone you may know.  My blogs (when I do write) are intentionally candid, transparent and brutally honest.  As a ‘church kid’ I do still remain subtle and try to remain ‘politically correct’, to protect the innocent, the faint of heart; and most importantly, the people I love; and my church.

That being said….

If you take the time to read my last post back in January…there is a glimmer of excitement, hope and relief.  Contained therein, there is an unspoken sense of ‘I’ve been through the storm and rain; and 2020 is going to be an exciting year.

For ALL (or most) of us….I sure seemed off.  This has been some kind of year.  I’ve seen so many memes referencing 2020; and how rough this year has been, from ‘Can we just skip the 2020 album, and go to the next 2021 track’ to so many others.  My favorite has been the meme I saw by one of my friends I’ll call ‘CBB’.  She is a former member of our church; and she never disappoints with the memes.  The meme is entitled, ‘If 2020 was a slide’. The slide is a cheese grater!

For me….as I wrote my last blog, I knew God was leading me to make a decision in my own life and ministry; that I had prayed so many times about, over a couple of years.  I’d promised the Lord that I would move in His time; and no matter what anyone said, I would move on His timetable.  As I wrote the last blog, I didn’t even know if I’d be bold enough to obey God; or how my decision would effect anyone involved.  What I did know is that I feared God, more than anyone else.  My intention is not to go into details regarding any of that.  My intention is to say to you – after I moved in the direction God instructed me to move, I traveled to Jacksonville, Florida for the Southern Baptist Pastor’s Conference, held at First Baptist Church in Jacksonville.  The conference was empowering, enlightening; and the things I learned and the people I met simply made the time there seem like things were just coming together.  I had never been to SBC’s Pastor’s conference held at First Baptist Jacksonville.  My father had been while I was in high school; and Jerry Vines and Mac Brunson (their previous pastors) were two of my favorites.  But it is just a plethora of encouragement, insights and empowerment.

Lord knows I needed it.  2019 (so I thought) was a rough year…just dealing with a suprising loss in our church family.  One brother we lost was such a major encouragement to me personally.  He was not a deacon or a trustee.  He wasn’t an usher or a Sunday School teacher.  He was just a ‘regular guy’ from Louisiana, retired from Delta Airlines; and just supported his new pastor.  He had been on oxygen for a couple of years; and had been struggling through that; having good days and bad days.  But I just admired how he would make his way to Bible Studies on Wednesday nights; how he would help with our security and safety personnel; and he never left church without talking to me.  One Sunday I was in the foyer greeting parishioners as they departed; and he was waiting (as usual) for me to finish.  Finally, he said he’d see me on Wednesday night.  A day or so later, he was gone.  I never shall forget doing something I advise no pastor (especially a professional chaplain) to do.  There in the hospital, in front of his wife and daughter, I broke down and cried like a little baby.  As some know, I am not a crier.  Little did I know that God was preparing my tear ducts for 2020.  I miss him so much; and he will be one of the first men I look for, after I see Jesus.

During my time in Jacksonville, my father met me there; along with a dear friend of my family, whom I call my uncle.  Being an alumnus from Dallas Baptist and Southwestern Seminary, it was also a joy to see quite a few old colleagues, professors, classmates, etc.  I was unsettled by the brewing tensions 2020 would bring; but excited about pleasing God.

I did something I don’t normally do, in 15 years of pastoring – I stayed over Sunday.  I visited my friend, H.B. Charles’ church (Shiloh in Jacksonville).  After church, I spoke to one of my best friends, Bertrain Bailey; and we shared our Sunday experiences, as we often do.  Of course, I didn’t have much to say.  I hadn’t preached; and I had only heard reports of the great time our people had back at home as Shiloh in Fort Worth.  As we spoke, Bertrain tells me, ‘Man…I’m seeing on the news that Kobe Bryant just died.’  My closest friends know I have always been a Kobe fan; and would always argue that he was better than the inimitable Michael Jordan.  As a matter of fact, my intention was to name my youngest son Kobe; to no avail.  I told him, ‘Don’t play like that.  We don’t play about Kobe.’ He said, ‘No dude, I’m seeing this on the news.’  From there…It has been a blur.

Kobe was, in fact, killed, along with others, in a helicopter crash; and the world rocked.  Without even settling down long enough, we were hit by the Coronavirus Pandemic.  And most recently, the injustices of the killings of unarmed black men and women; and the outrage that now ensues.  If things could get no worse – with family members who have fallen ill, members of my church losing family members, etc; the shocking loss of Pastor Manson B. Johnson of the Holman Street Baptist Church, has dealt another devastating blow.

Here is my summation to this blog…just in case you think the world revolves around your little worries; God knows how to allow a world of bigger problems to eclipse what you are facing.

To be sure, the things in my world continue to move on and move forward.  It is my prayer that God will continue to show Himself faithful, in the midst of any challenge any of us may face, individually or in this world.  Never forget the words of 1 Peter 5:7, which says, “Casting all your care upon Him; for he cares for you.’

Nobody told you that the road was going to be easy.  If they did, they lied to you! As long as you live this life, and seek to make an imprint, there will be challenges along the way.  It is so important to:

1. Remain Prayerful
2. Trust God (In God we trust, everyone else we thoroughly investigate)
3. Follow His Word
4. Walk with Integrity
5. Write everything down, including your story
6. Treat people right
7. Let God fight your battles

The good news is – if you’re reading this blog, you made it through some of the worst times in human history!!!  Just think – we get to live in this time.  And God is so gracious to allow us to experience it.

Be encouraged as you go throughout this process.  May you find joy on your journey!

My Thoughts on Pastor’s & Social Media

Note: This started as an intentional one-paragraph post for my friends on social media; and turned into not only a word to them; but my thoughts on pastor’s and social media.

The Holy Spirit prompted me last year around this time to do what I am doing now on social media…but I didn’t do it. I just made the change, but made no announcements; and I know that some of my friends noticed the change…with some calling me on it. Here it goes.

I love social media for what it is. It allows me the opportunity to connect with family and friends from afar; and share in laughs, jokes and even events of which I am unable to be apart of, without feeling excluded. Those who know me can attest – I’ve pretty much always been popular; but private in many respects. But something has changed for me over the past couple of years – MY MISSION HAS INTENSIFIED. Now if you know me…you know that I enjoy life. But while my communication, over the years…has become much greater in terms of personal interactions, especially with the people I pastor, getting better with my closest friends, fellow pastors and the like – I’m beginning to see that I CANNOT keep up with all of the group Facebook messages, the “If you really do love me or Jesus, send this message back to me and 4 other people you love” messages, and even group texts and the like. At times, when not responding, people may say “Oh…you’re the pastor of Shiloh now” or “You’re too big now…” Hence, one of the reasons now I know the Holy Spirit was leading me to do this last year…before Shiloh or anything now was even apart of the equation. With or without Shiloh, Mt. Salem or any one thing in particular…my life is about ministry; and more than spending my life on a phone, trying to see what is happening on social media. Now, don’t get me wrong….people who jump to the extreme of saying Pastor’s or Ministers should not be on social media are quite naive. It is a very powerful medium. But I have to use discretion (as I ALWAYS have) as it relates to how I use my time interacting with others on social media. Therefore….when I go LIVE, it is for a purpose… When I am not responding to group or individual messages, I’m probably ministering to my family or the members I pastor. When I am lol’ing or posting something funny on social media…that is even intentional – to provide me an outlet as a Pastor to vent, breath or enjoy people. That is it – I LOVE people. Some things I am just not going to do. I will never like game requests(🙄) or group messages or group texts. That’s not me. But if you need prayer, biblical counsel or even correction, I am here for you. I hope and pray that we see Facebook and other social media outlets for what they are – an opportunity to be SOCIAL, when we WANT to be social. Also note…there are parts and facets to a Pastor’s life (nothing sinful) that everyone just doesn’t need to see or can’t even handle seeing. I agree with my friend H.B. Charles, Jr. who says that “…people don’t need to be reminded that their Pastor is human. They need to be reminded that he is holy.”(Paraphrase)  I concur and strongly agree! The fact is – if we live long enough, the people will eventually receive the reminder that we are, in fact, human beings….just as are they. 

Let me note once more: I’m not AGAINST social media. Can you imagine what Jesus and the Disciples could’ve done with social media? Wow!  After word of mouth, it is the least expensive form of advertisement. But also beware…social media (if you haven’t noticed) leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation, mess, messy individuals, legal ramifications and the like). You can find some great examples in ministry of Spiritual Leaders who are using social media to impact the world for good. I cannot provide a list here; but my aforementioned friend is a place to start. 

I intended this to be a short Facebook post; but I suppose this has mutated into a blog. So while I am here, I would suggest that, while I’m no pastor to other pastors…I would commend us to watch what we expose to others. I get it. People want transparency. People desire their leader and the minister to be vulnerable. And while there are many laypeople who would read my blog and strongly suggest otherwise…I suggest to the pastor that they proceed in this area with caution. This may be true with many; but some cannot handle the pressure of learning their Shepherd BLEEDS. So since I am already sounding like that old pastor we young preachers struggled to listen to at the table…and we only tolerated listening to him because he was paying the bill… let me go a step further. Be careful about what you communicate on social media. Maybe I am old school; but a preacher shouldn’t be using curse words, or even hashtags or letters that obviously equate to a bad word, on social media. Example:sm#h or the like. I would advise that any given pastor does not display so much of their lives or activity on social media. Get this – God blesses you.  Don’t apologize for him doing so.  But just be careful and cautious. I honestly believe it is good to ‘Go live’ with a purpose and when we have a message. I actually would like to go live even more… but i want to make sure I’m not displaying anything vain. My wife and I like to travel occasionally. My concern is – how much of that should be displayed on social media? How many of our members are struggling to make ends meet, who cannot afford or are even in good enough health to go to Disney or take a trip to a beach? Where we go is not the point. My prayer is that we are sensitive to our flock; and those with whom surround our flock. Now….there are certain things for which I have no control over. I absolutely love my new Pastoral office. It actually looks better in person than on video or picture. It’s not as extravagant as many, but is is more than anything I had before. And I’m grateful. I will not apologize when I display what goes on at Shiloh or when I go live. Why? Because I am boasting in the Lord, what God has given Shiloh and the labor of my predecessor. And…the fact is, that’s Shiloh’s property, not mine! I am just simply suggesting that we be very careful. 

I don’t even have to tell you there are enemies of yours who are looking for just one thing to use against you. 

Now….I’ve always been the kind of person (because of older brothers) who didn’t have to go through something to pick up warning signs, take precautions or go in another direction. I haven’t had to deal with issues I am certain many pastor’s have dealt with regarding stalkers, people with wrong intentions, hackers and the like. The Lord has blessed me! Also….I “keep to myself”.  I am a social butterfly like my mother; but I know how to let people go so far, like my father. Boy, has this blessed me. Have people hurt me in LIFE? Of course, I’m a pastor and I love people; and sheep BITE. But I dare not equate social media people with my “life” people. My family, friends and the people I pastor know where to find me, how to get a hold of me and I know their intentions; and they know mine. But I must be honest….I don’t personally know my 4100 plus Facebook friends. I am certain there’s atleast a few who don’t have God’s business in mind. 

I hope to possibly share this in a live video in the near future; for those who need clarity. Again…I am not a counselor or teacher to pastor’s. I’m just a fellow-traveler. I hope and pray this is helpful; and hopefully you will do what the Lord leads you to do. I will post this to my blog, rather than as a Facebook post. Prayerfully you will see how this blog is different in the sense it was never intended to be that, but hopefully helpful. Again, I will try to follow up with a live video to share my thoughts concerning this. I welcome your thoughts.  

Sunday in Review

Where in the world does the time go? 

While I haven’t blogged since February 25th, I have been enamored and enthralled in the busy-ness of March. From celebrating 5 years of pastoral ministry at Mt. Salem, doing some itinerant preaching, to sharing in the 30th pastoral anniversary of my father, to the demands of my immediate family and hospital chaplaincy…I am both thankful and glad that it is over! 

God is doing some great things in our church, in my ministry, my family and I am very grateful and humbled. Our church has, and continues, to go through various seasons of growth and growing pains since I arrived; and I was very pleased to have 2 ministers join our congregation. Before this past month, I had NO HELP, in that department. Their arrival and their presence is just one, of many, affirmations of God’s faithfulness when we obey His voice and follow His plan. God is awesome!

I’ve also been teaching and working through what we call our “Program Plan”. This is an idea I got from my pastor, Harvey Clemons, Jr., years ago, to provide our members with every dynamic and aspect of our church’s vision, mission, purpose, ministries, calendar, policies, accomplishments, etc. in the given and previous year. This year, our Program Plan primarily consists of bylaws, statement of faith and the statement on our view of marriage and the marital covenant.  I’ve been dealing with the controversial issue of homosexuality that I’ve entitled “Is it okay to be gay?”  Interestingly, this has sparked a wave within our congregation, community and city that I did not anticipate. Young adults are flooding our pews, seeking to hear what God’s Word, and this 37 year old preacher in town is talking about. 

On another note, I halted my preaching series that entailed a book I’ve been putting together; and preached a few messages surrounding Christ’s passion, crucifixion and resurrection. While wanting to begin a series on Giving, I came across a series of articles and outlines from Dr. Tony Evans dealing with Revival. After prayerful consideration, and the time needed to put together our series on giving, I took Dr. Evan’s articles and tried to “make it live”. 

Here’s the outline…

Title: Why We Need Revival 

Text: Psalm 85

C.I.T. (Central Idea of the Text): Remembering God’s favor in the past, prompts us to seek God for restoration and revival. 

I. Revival presupposes spiritual decay (verses 1-3)

II. Revival spells the need for spiritual reconnection (4-7)

a. Restore us (4-5)

b. Revive us (6-7)

III. Revival surpasses external change.

 IV. Revival steps in the land of God’s promises.

a. The manifestation of Gods glory (8-9)

b. The magnification of God’s goodness (10-13)


My Take on Bill

 In 2010, I almost named my baby son Kosby Lowell. 

There you have it from the jump. Without secret or hesitation, like many, I grew up in the nineties on The Cosby Show.  Invariably, as with Seinfeld, The Bernie Mack Show or The Jamie Foxx Show, one could not dispatch the show from its namesake and lead figure. In fact, Bill Cosby was essentially one of the leading pioneers in this sort of autobiographical kind of satirical humor in PRIMETIME America; particularly crossing over to every culture, race and creed. Bill Cosby single-handedly, with his stellar cast, became a household name. I, like many, couldn’t wait for Thursday to arrive!!! In a real sense, Mr. Cosby personified a charicarization of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “American Dream”.  The Huxtables cleverly and compellingly enchanted America and persuaded the nation, possibly the world, that Malcolm’s “Nightmare” had diminished and Black America could live, work and dream as they pleased. 

Tragically , and often unfairly, segmented society will often trip on the paradigm and make the picture interchangeably synonymous with the person. In all fairness, The Cosby Show was an autobiographical reflection of Cosby’s own life. Camilla was Clair. Bill was Cliff. The four kids were his own son and three (3) daughters. But what if the story wasn’t about his own life at all?  Would his personal life taint a person’s sacred view of Cliff?  I do not know. What I do know is that this scathing truth prevails in Christendom, for sure. 
On the one hand, we cannot expel the message from the messenger. Conversely, the church can unfairly crown the Christian Leader with an unattainable standard that only Christ can comfortably reach. 

Since 2014, Cosby has been accused by over 50 women of either rape, drug facilitated sexual assault, sexual battery, child sexual abuse, and/or sexual misconduct, with the earliest alleged incidents taking place in the mid-1960s. After an October 2014 comedy routine by previously unknown comedian Hannibal Buress casually accusing Cosby of inappropriate sexual behavior went viral, earlier sexual assault allegations against Cosby became more public, prompting many female accusers to come forward. In the wake of the allegations, numerous organizations have severed ties with the comedian, and previously awarded honors and titles have been revoked. Cosby and his lawyers have repeatedly denied the allegations, calling the allegations discredited. Most of the acts alleged by his accusers fall outside the statutes of limitations for legal proceedings. Today,  December 30, 2015, numerous civil lawsuits against Cosby, as well as a single charge of aggravated indecent assault in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, remain pending.  He was arraigned today. 

I would like to make a few observations, as this is clearly not going away. 

1) As the husband to a woman I love, a mother I cherish, two goddaughter who I pray for daily and countless women to whom I minister, I am very sensitive to the cries of these woman. I am not naive enough to think that sexual harassment is mere fiction. Worse still, as with the “wardrobe malfunction” in 2004,  often the woman is villainized while the man is given a pass of fidelity. As with the woman caught in adultery in scripture (John 8:1-11), the brother is conspicuously excused and exempt. This is unfair and inequitable. 

2) As a man living in what Maya Angelou calls “these yet to be United States”, I cannot help but ask “Why now?”  Okay….I can hear someone shooting me down. 50 women? Speaking out since 2014? I’m just saying!

3) As a Christian who is a pastor, I think this should lead us to ask a few questions. Let’s face it…Leaders fail. Some fail more and more often than others. I often wonder if the church does a good job of 1) restoring those who’ve fallen 2) given enough thought to preserving the message and legacy of spiritual leaders after they have fallen from grace. 

Focusing on my last point, I have seen it go in both directions. There are churches that will turn a blind eye to a leader’s alleged (or confessed) in descretions. I know of a Bishop who was accused of several improprieties, and there seemed (it may have been done privately) to be no form of discipline, counseling, repentance, etc. on the other hand, I’ve seen draw it measures taken in churches where the leader is not only removed; but any semblance of trace of their ministry in that congregation is obliterated, stripped down, sanitized and thrown into the wilderness with the nameless creatures in the 2004 movie “The Village.”  

Is this right?  If Billy Graham is discovered to have been a murderer years ago, should all of his honors, medals, books, sermons be destroyed?  I can go on and on all day. But I will stop here and simply ask, at the end of this year, that we pray for spiritual leaders and their families. The stakes are high, and the Devil is busy!  

I am praying for Cosby, his accusers, those who admire him and are effected by his influence. I do not claim to know him personally; and would like to give him the benefit of the doubt, as I do the same for these accusers. But let us also consider the spiritual underpinnings of how this connects to the church and how we respond to someone who is accused, guilty, innocent or all of the above. 

Ultimately, God’s grace extends toward us all. What are your thoughts?  

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My thoughts. My reflections. My journey.... On pastoring, preaching, leading & learning.


My thoughts. My reflections. My journey.... On pastoring, preaching, leading & learning.