Kraig Lowell Pullam

My thoughts. My reflections. My journey…. On pastoring, preaching, leading & learning.

Archive for the month “February, 2016”

Three Sundays in Review…

IMG_5590My schedule has been hectic!

In fact, I’ve taken a couple of days (Tuesday & Wednesday), clearing my schedule completely, doing absolutely nothing.  In fact FURTHER…I’ve discovered I really have forgotten how to rest and just be.  I am keenly aware of the fact that changes are not only necessary and imminent, but anticipated.  While God has shown me that the reward for GOOD work is often MORE work; and my busyness is a direct result of His rewarding our faithfulness and the gifts He has instilled within us, I am not expecting my ‘busy-ness’ to discontinue in 2016… In turn, I am simply anticipating things to STREAMLINE!  Please pray for yours truly.  I really need it!

All of the above being explained, I am going to do something that is unconventional.  I want to give three Sundays worth of review, beginning with where I left off.

Here’s the outline for my message on:

Sunday, February 7, 2016
Title: Winning in Crisis

Text: Genesis 32:22-32

C.I.T. (Central Idea of the Text): At times, God takes us down in order to show us the way up.

I. God takes over when we get out of the way.
a. God’s breaking process reveals the power of our flesh. (v.25)
b. God’s breaking process reveals the power of God. (v.26)

II. God blesses clingy people.
a. We won’t cling until we are at the end of ourselves. (v.26, 27)
b. Even in clinging, we are prone to use God, not submit to Him. (v.29)
c. Clinging to God in weakness is the source of our power.

Sunday, February 14, 2016
Title: For the Love of God

Text: John 3:16

C.I.T. (Central Idea of the Text): God loves us before we win, and He communicates His love to us through His Son.

I. The Width of God’s Love “For God so loved the world…”

II. The Length of God’s Love “He gave His only begotten Son…”

III. The Depth of God’s Love “That whosoever believes in Him might not perish…”

IV. The Height of God’s Love “…but have everlasting life.”

Sunday, February 21, 2016
Handling Life Between Not Now & Not Yet

Text: Genesis 37:1-9; 18028

C.I.T. (Central Idea of the Text): Even in the waiting room, we must not allow injustice to stop us from being faithful to God.

I. Remember that who you are is not Connected to what you Have

II. Learn to handle it when what you see doesn’t match what God says

III. Always remember you have a secret weapon. “Judah”

Sunday in Review

2577006675_b5dd38dca6God be praised for a great Lord’s Day!

Our weekend began with a very powerful and encouraging time with our church family and guests at our 2nd annual prayer breakfast. The event is purposefully internal, with our members encouraged to invite their friends and family.  Our time together exceeded our first year, to my pleasant surprise.  My wife, D’Ani, spearheaded this event.  Simply put…she not only knows the expectations of her pastor; but she simply knows how to get things done, and people involved.  I am looking forward to God continuing to use her for great things in God’s work, particularly in the areas of empowering women and in prayer.

Here’s the outline for Sunday’s message.

Title: Feasting in Famine

Text: Genesis 26

C.I.T. (Central Idea of the Text): God’s blessing on your life is not the absence of problems, but the grace to handle your problems righteously.

I. Know that God is concerned about where you are (vv. 1-6)

II. Know where Nowhere Leads (vv. 7-17)

a. Listening to Bad Advice
i. Don’t listen to people who’ve never been where you’re going.
ii. Don’t listen to people who don’t know where they’re going.

b. Having no Real Direction

c. Following the Wrong Path
i. Following the Path of Least Resistance
ii. Following the Path of Sin

d. Turning Away from God’s Way

III. Know Where Faith Goes

a. There Must be a Dedication to the Will of God
i. A Place of Surrender
ii. A Place of Sacrifice

b. There Must be a Detachment to the Way of Man
i. Separation from Earthly Pleasures (v. 25)
ii. Concentration on Eternal Possessions

c. There Must be a Dependence on the Word of Life
i. We will face resistance (vv. 15-21)
ii. We can find refreshment (vv. 22-24)

Though I am disappointed in the overall delivery of the message, I realize it is primarily the fault of my lack of preparation for the message and its delivery  that being said, I am thankful for those who made decisions following the message.

We held our annual church meeting following our morning worship.  Overall, the meeting went well, serving as a time to both evaluate ourselves and encourage us as we move ahead.  It is a difficult endeavor to transition a 140+ healt old congregation who has experienced the challenge of the times and rocked by storms in her recent history.  I am convinced more than ever that the best days for Mt. Salem are ahead; and I am encouraged to know that our people are excited about what is to come!




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