Kraig Lowell Pullam

My thoughts. My reflections. My journey…. On pastoring, preaching, leading & learning.

Archive for the month “September, 2015”

Please Understand Me

It seems like I run into a Pastor every week who is dealing with discouragement.  But it is more.  After all, discouragement is inevitable, human and cannot be avoided.  I am speaking of a discouragement that spells defeat.  Problematic leaders, fighting churches, argumentative spouses, troubled children – are all reasons to become discouraged.  But it should never move us to a point of quitting ministry, becoming hostile toward God or walking away from the faith.  Pastors are committing suicide.  Pastors are walking away from ministry.  Ministry leaders are denouncing their faith.  It is my prayer that we all would pray for Pastors, Christian Leaders and those who serve and work in ministry.  After all, the world isn’t getting much better; neither is the church responding as she should.

I will not say that my life is perfect; because it is not.  I also will admit that where I am in ministry is a far cry from where I envision myself being in ministry.  But I am always overwhelmed when I think of how God considered me, as Paul did in 1st Timothy; and I count it a privilege to serve Him.

Be that as it may, it is my prayer that these ministry leaders would find encouragement in those whom God has called them and us to serve.  I came across a poem in my devotion that I would like to share here; and I hope it encourages every Pastor and Christian leader who reads….

We would never tell you this, but we are afraid;
Afraid that our lives will end and few will notice.

We would never tell you this, but we are lonely;
Surrounded by a crowd we’re all alone.

We’d never tell you this, but we feel empty;
There’s so much more to life but we can’t quite reach it.

We would never tell you, but we’re disheartened;
No matter how hard we try, a meaningful life escapes us.

We’d never tell you this, but we are worried;
Worried about tomorrow, worried about the past.

We would never tell you, but we’re unfulfilled;
Our lives are full, but our hearts aren’t satisfied.

We’d never tell you this, but we’re searching;
Longing for something to make sense of it all.

We would never tell you, but we need someone to care for us;
Someone who accepts us for who we really are.

We’d never tell you this, pastor, but we need you more than you know.

Poem by Daniel Sherman

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